What Is The Difference Between A Khata And B Khata?

When it comes to property management in Bangalore, one term that often pops up is “Khata.” But did you know that there are two distinct types of Khata – A Khata and B Khata? Understanding the difference between these two can be crucial, especially if you’re planning to buy or sell property in the city.

Understanding the difference between A Khata and B Khata is crucial for anyone involved in property transactions in Bangalore. While A Khata properties offer full legal recognition and benefits, B Khata properties come with certain limitations and risks. However, with proper compliance and regularization, B Khata properties can be converted to A Khata, offering a pathway to legality and value appreciation.

Let’s dive into the nitty-gritty of A Khata and B Khata to see what sets them apart and why it matters.

Khata is a document that signifies that a property is listed in the records of the local municipal corporation. It is not a title deed but an account of the property that includes details like the owner’s name, property size, location, and built-up area.

Khata is essential for property tax assessments and is required for legal property transactions, obtaining loans, and applying for building licenses or trade licenses. With a Khata, handling official property-related matters becomes easier.

A Khata, also known as the “genuine” Khata, indicates that a property complies with all municipal regulations and building bylaws. It means the property is legally recognized and fully approved.

  • Compliance: Meets all local government regulations.
  • Legality: Recognized as a legal property for all transactions.
  • Facilities: Eligible for all civic amenities like water, sewage, and electricity connections.

To obtain an A Khata, the property must adhere to all building bylaws, have clear ownership, and all property taxes should be paid in full.


B Khata, on the other hand, is a temporary document indicating that the property violates some regulations. It lists properties that have deviations or are built on agricultural land without conversion.

  • Non-Compliance: Indicates some form of non-compliance with local regulations.
  • Limited Legality: Not recognized as fully legal for certain transactions.
  • Restricted Facilities: You may need help obtaining civic amenities.

Properties that do not conform to local regulations have unpaid property taxes or are built on converted agricultural land that falls under B Khata.

The Khata system has evolved significantly over the years, initially introduced to streamline property tax collection. With urban expansion, the need to distinguish compliant properties from non-compliant ones led to the introduction of A Khata and B Khata.

Regulations have become more stringent over the years, making compliance essential for property transactions and development.

  1. Application: Apply to the local municipal office.
  2. Documentation: Provide all necessary documents, such as the sale deed, tax receipts, and approved building plans.
  3. Verification: Municipal authorities verify the property details.
  4. Approval: Upon successful verification, A Khata is issued.
  • Sale deed
  • Property tax receipts
  • Approved building plan
  • Occupancy certificate (if applicable)

Step-by-Step Guide

  1. Application: Apply similar to A Khata.
  2. Documentation: Provide existing property documents.
  3. Verification: Authorities verify the degree of non-compliance.
  4. Issuance: B Khata is issued to highlight the irregularities.

Required Documentation

  • Existing property documents
  • Previous tax receipts (if any)
  • Proof of ownership

Conditions for Conversion

Conversion is possible if the property can rectify the violations and meet all municipal regulations.

Process and Documentation

  1. Rectify Violations: Address all deviations and comply with building bylaws.
  2. Submit Application: Apply for conversion with the necessary documents.
  3. Verification: Authorities conduct a detailed inspection.
  4. Issuance: A Khata is issued upon successful verification.

Legal Status of A Khata

Khata properties are legally recognized, making them eligible for all official transactions and loans.

Legal Status of B Khata

B Khata properties are not fully legal for certain transactions and face restrictions when obtaining loans and licenses.

Property Tax Differences

Khata properties typically have higher property taxes due to their legal status, whereas B Khata properties may have lower taxes but face penalties.

Impact on Property Value

Khata properties generally have higher market value due to their compliance and legal recognition, while B Khata properties may be devalued.

Benefits for Property Owners

  • Easier to obtain loans.
  • Eligible for all civic amenities.
  • Higher market value.

Long-term Advantages

  • Secure investment.
  • Legally protected.
  • Easier to sell and transfer.

Potential Drawbacks

  • Higher property taxes.
  • Stricter compliance requirements.

Benefits for Property Owners

  • Lower initial cost.
  • Potential for future regularization.

Flexibility in Certain Situations

  • Easier to purchase for some buyers due to the lower price.

Potential Drawbacks

  • Legal uncertainties.
  • Difficulty in obtaining loans and licenses.
  • Potential for future legal issues.

Clarifying Myths and Facts

  • Myth: B Khata properties cannot be sold.
  • Fact: They can be sold but may face restrictions.
  • Myth: Converting B Khata to A Khata is impossible.
  • Fact: It is possible with compliance.

Selling A Khata Properties

Easier and quicker due to legal recognition and higher demand.

Selling B Khata Properties

Possible, but it may take longer due to legal uncertainties and lower demand.

Can a B Khata property be sold?

Yes, B Khata properties can be sold, but the transaction might need some legal hurdles and reduced demand compared to A Khata properties.

How long does it take to convert B Khata to A Khata?

The conversion process can take several months, depending on the extent of compliance required and the efficiency of the municipal authorities.

Is it mandatory to convert B Khata to A Khata?

No, it is not mandatory, but it is advisable for better legal security and property value.

Are there any penalties for holding a B Khata property?

There are no direct penalties, but B Khata properties may face issues with obtaining loans and official clearances.

Can B Khata properties get home loans?

It is challenging to get home loans for B Khata properties as they are not fully recognized as legal by most banks and financial institutions.